The Ultimate Sacrifice – Dad’s Story

On our local radio station, KLPZ, 1380 AM there’s a great show called “The Ultimate Sacrifice.” Each week Bill Risen, a local guy who’s very active in the community and as a veteran very supportive of all vets, reads the true story of one Medal of Honor winner.

I’ve worked with Bill on various Veteran issues and last year he asked me to do some Christmas and Easter versions of the Ultimate Sacrifice. This year he also asked me write and record one about my Dad.

So I have and below you can listen to it. I’ve rerecorded it at my house. It’s been a long day so my voice is a little hoarse, but I hope you enjoy it. I’ll be recording the two Christmas versions I’m doing also and posting them here after KLPZ airs them of course. I don’t want to compete just want to share this with others who aren’t in the area.

I’ve  done it as a video for YouTube so that more people can access it and you can not just hear about Dad but see a little of him as well. Don’t forget to check out Dad’s website – and check for his book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


The Ultimate Sacrifice – Dad’s Story