New Tales From the Scrypt Series

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I just got back from recording this week’s edition of Tales From the Scrypt. The reason I’m posting about it here is that it’s  the beginning of something I hope will be special. I’m doing an eight part series on the week leading up to Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection on that first Easter Sunday.

[Note: I just got a call that I need to go back and do it again. I recorded it the first time but hit the wrong button so it actually didn’t record. The second time through I thought it went really well. Just heard they had a technical glitch and so I’m off to go back into town and try it again! It worked.]

Yep – eight weeks which is by far the longest series I’ve done so far and I have to say I’m really looking forward to it. You can listen online at

Doing this show has been a really interesting experience for me. At first I had some trouble with it because what I do on the show is tell stories. But what I’ve done for a long, long time now is teach Scripture. So my first impulse was to dig into the passage and find the meaning and the message. When I teach and preach I try to be very careful not to add anything to the text or take anything away for that matter. To be a good teacher you have to be precise and drive to the point.

Not so much with story telling. It’s taken a while to learn this how to do this. It’s a skill that’s closely related to teaching and preaching but is different. Now I do add somethings in that aren’t spelled out in the text, like how someone feels, or a dramatic description of what’s happening, etc. You have to do that if you want to be a good story teller.

I love writing these little stories now. I’m 64 and am leaning a new skill and having a great time doing so. 

Retirement? Bah Humbug to that!!  I’m too busy having fun, and am planning on expanding my ministry into other areas as well when the time is right and I am able to do so.

Anyway, if you get to listen to the show let me know. It comes on on Thursday mornings, sometime between 9:30 and 10:00 AM. Keith does live radio so there’s no set time to air the program. So if you tune in at 9:30 Arizona Time you should hear it.

New Tales From the Scrypt Series

Tales From the Scrypt!

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I cut the first promo today for a new short form radio show that I’ve been asked to do on our local station KLPZ, 1380 AM. Here’s a bit about it:

In the Arabian Nights Tahir Shah said, “Stories are a communal currency of humanity,” and he was right of course.  In “Tales From the Scrypt.” starting on September 22nd I’ll be sharing stories taken directly from the Bible, the source of the greatest true stories ever told, every week. They’ll be dramatized yet remain true to the Scriptures so you’ll be drawn into these stories that illustrate the truth about life, humanity and eternity itself. You’ll hear stories from both Testaments, stories that Jesus, the Master Teacher told, and maybe some stories that you didn’t know were in there.  So please join me every Thursday morning on KLPZ at 9:30 AM for Tales From the Scrypt, “Stories You Can Believe In.”

You can listen online if you’d like too at at 9:30 AM Arizona time. Just remember Arizona Time is like unto God in one way – it doesn’t change. No jumping forward or falling back around here!

I’d like to thank my friend Meredith for the title and my friend Keith for an idea that helped me come up with the tag line. These will be short (& hopefully sweet) little bits of truth and wisdom from the Scriptures, hopefully everyone will benefit from them.

So, what are you favorite Bible Stories? Do you have some that you’d like to hear adapted and presented on Tale From the Scrypt? If so let me know ok?

God bless and I’ll see you on the radio soon!




Tales From the Scrypt!